Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Titles of Soft Things

And it is cold out after tornadoes. I just realized that this blog doesn't have automatic spell checker as my old one did. I also realized that I haven't been doing all of my readings for this week, and I just had a wonderful lunch. Mmm. I love Bloomington Bagel Co. Now, my week has been more than hectic, it has been insane. I have only six more shows left, I believe, tonight's being the halfway point. Tomorrow, a show at 10:00 am (which means an 8:30 call), and a show at 7:30 pm. Wow. I think I've about had enough of this show, it's getting stale, although last night had a refreshing breeze to it. I felt like we switched up the scenes a little from the rut we've been in. Not that it was a bad rut, but it was a stagnation. I have no energy to do anything except eat and sleep. Last night I fell asleep in the dressing room. I don't know if I'll make it through to the closing night cast party on Saturday. I might just fall asleep before I get there.

Tragedy: that's the only word I have for it. I have lost all of my hats. O, Hellkite, all of them. I don't know where they went to? My precious blue cashmere hat? Gone. My boring but versetile utilitarian black hat? Missing. Luckily I found the only hat I don't wear with regularity, the weird patterned one. I need to make one that matches my purple and yellow scarf. Today I inaugurate that scarf into being. It is a little bit too long for any scarf, and too thick. This is alright because that means if I make another scarf it will not take as long unless I use smaller gauge needles or yarn. I am going to go to the yarn store this Sunday and get myself a treat. I also need more comfy PJs pants. And more sweaters, t-shirts, jeans, HATS, and long-sleeve shirts that aren't thermals. Okay, I think it's time to head to Medieval drama even though I have not finished reading this weird Tudor play we were assigned. Ciao.


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