Thursday, February 23, 2006

Really, Thursday

And I had a long arduous day, and I'd rather forget it. I'm speaking metaphorically here, I guess, because I'm not going to drink myself into a stupor or anything. I was, althought, hoping to at least have a glass of wine, when I found both the Shiraz/Viognier and the Carmenere to be a little two vinegary to bear. Last Saturday both wines were so lovely, that I was sad to see them go. Anyway. Today I felt brain-clogged and was dreading everything. I'm sure it had something to do with the three cups of coffee I downed last night which kept me up and wired all freaking evening. It probably also had to do with yesterday's somewhat unproductive day at the statehouse and it's effect on delaying my homework. I was doing homework all evening--aside from getting my head shorn.


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