Thursday, January 26, 2006

Attempt at Articulation of a Schedule or Rant 'n Rave

And I am instituting what will hopefully become a weekly Thursday tradition of a rant followed by a rave--to end on a positive note.

Bad Mechanics
So yesterday I went to Jiffy Lube to give Toyota some TLC--you can't be too good to a seventeen year-old car. Anyway, I know a thing or two about cars, and I know that mechanics will try to fool me. So as they are changing my oil they ask my which kind of oil I want--wait--they tell me which kind of oil I want. They say "You want the Valvovine XJ23589292-30, right?" And I reply "Or whatever is cheaper." Which turns out to be the Valvovile XJ2385974985-20. Whatever. It doesn't end there. They proceed to bring in my air filter and a little valve to interrupt me from my Newsweek. They tell me that I need it changed and will be like $14. Dude, I've seen a dirtier filter before, show me it in six months, and then I might change it. Regarding the valve-thing, I don't know what it does, but it isn't broken or dirty so I ask them why I should replace it. The dude responds with, "We recommend it." I quesiton him, "Why?" "..." he says, "Well, uh, that, um, it's just a good idea." No dice, dude. Therefore I exit the Lube without spending an extra cent. All I needed was a change of oil and them to fix the pressure in my tires. Which they did. Horrah!

Cookies/Performance Studies
A guy in my Performance Studies class brought in the most amazing peanut butter & chocolate chip cookies ever. They were crumbly and had big chunks of good chocolate. I can't rave enough, only savor the memory. Also, I think I want to go to graduate school for performance studies, it's much cooler than both English and Theatre, and then I could do whatever I wanted! It gives me more agency than if I was just to go into an MA in English or an MFA in Directing. Wahoo! It really depends on where I end up being able to go.


Blogger Jace Mace said...

Hey Boots! I'm so glad you know about cars. What a big, strong man. Heh. You should drive Toyota down here and dip me and kiss me!

1:44 PM  

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