Saturday, February 11, 2006

Sorry I Forgot The Title On The Last One

And I had a little wine tonight, for me, and held a lot today, but not for me. When I got home from what turned out to be an unexpectedly long day at work, I had a quite pleasant night, alone at home, which reminded me. Of a lot. First of all, good tv on DVD is a great thing. I like TV better than movies--there! I said it! Amen. Just like last night when Amy and I watched old episodes of Nigella Bites on VHS. So tonight, yes I admit it and I was a tired boy watching Sex and the City all alone. On a Saturday! And it was luscious. Great. Just what I needed. I had been thinking too much, analyzing too much. And what is the world about anyway? Am I learning more at my weekend job than I am in class? (Look how SatC makes us quesiton things!) I don't know. Would I be happy being a sommelier for a good restaurant someday or working for a great university? The answer is--it all depends on the specifics. Life comes down to those. Fuck generalities, speculations, it depends on who, excatly, you get to cuddle up to at night and what, exactly, you did all day. With this sort of philosophy things are always changing, consistancy isn't guaranteed, but since you learn what exaclty is good in an exact moment, you can try to recreate it. Sounds all well and good, but who knows if it can be done? But lets not generalize about that, shall we? Also: let be bitch. Sometimes I am tired. I hate that. I also hate when I eat to much and I wake up and fee fat. The end!


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