Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Day Off

And how is it that on my days "off" I never get started doing anything productive untill after 2:00 pm? Really? That is just silly on my part. I need to learn to get off my fanny and not dawdle. Although I did go to the gym this morning and tried to clean my room (failed) and made some food. Everything is alright except for the fact that I need to be on the ball from here until spring break. I have the first act of my play due next week, lots of reading, three days of work, and mom wants to come visit in the middle of it all. I wish I would have asked for next Sunday off of work so I could just chill, but I really need the extra few bucks for vacation and the summer.

Speaking of summer, I need to start applying for summer programs/interships/workshops because I dont' want to be stuck here ALL summer. I'm thinking about going to an extreme and going to Argentina for a while. Maybe just by myself to travel or something, who knows? I really need something to inspire me, because lately I feel very housewife-ish and just want to go to class, do homework (or not), work, go to the gym, and cook. It's weird, I know, and I know that if I'd stop having classes I'd miss them and I'd need some outlet for something, and I really do not want a nine-to-five yet. (Cue music.) I need some choices of things to do this summer and it has begun to drive me batty. I need to send things out before March, and I need to get on it!

Okay, just found an amazing website. Rose Avengers and Producers, advocates for dry rose wines. I love them, and others should, too. The website is hilarious to me. OK. Time to get off my ass. Or maybe just sit on at and do work. Ciao.


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