Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Return, Neglect, and Precipitation

And it snowed today. Four inches or more, is my guess, but the weather was at that tipping point where things got very slushy. What a welcome back to the last six weeks (or so) of the semester! So I'm sitting here, on Tuesday, after a day of classes, eating some dinner and reflecting.

I get horrible post-vacation depression. I mean, it's probably my least favorite time of year--after a vacation. Not to mention that I had an amazing week with Jason, and leaving him, well, is the farthest thing from fun. Thirteen (plus) hours of travelling and sitting on Sunday left me exhausted, with that pesky knot in my lower-left back coming to haunt me again at an inopportune time in the semester. So I got home, yesterday was spent doing homework, errands, and getting my sister's dog from the kennel. I didn't even get to go to the gym, and I always go to the gym on mondays. I ate so much in the past week that I should set up camp in the gym. Then I had class, which happily was shorter than normal. I went to the let the dog out and came back for last minute homeworking. Then Lawrence Osborne's The Accidental Connoisseur distracted me from reading Melville (not that it takes much to destract me from Melville), and I fell asleep reading about Barolo. Today I got up, after hitting snooze eighty times, and slowly started my day with some oatmeal and some coffee, like usual, and finished up homework. After classes, I came home with an urge to drink some wine and eat some dinner. I made a yummy spinach and artichoke pasta with some dubliner cheese and whole wheat fettacini. So good! It was like spinach artichoke dip with pasta. Dubliner cheese is my substitute for sex today, I think. The real thing would be much, much better.

About my other blog, Lovely Oenophilia, I have neglected him, and he's suffering. I will promise to spend a day trying to recap the lovely, lovely wines I had in New Orleans. Until then, I will maybe blog about wine shops or something like that. All I know is that I must go grab a bottle of Picpoul de Pinet (a Languedoc dry white wine) from Big Red for two reasons: First, the guy who reccomended the Insoglia to me also reccomended a Picpoul de Pinet, and, secondly, the billboard outside Big Red read "Picpoul is back." This wine is haunting me. I must get some. It's unique, strange, and it pairs well with seafood--I love it.


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